


The primary purpose Clear Six was started was to intentionally make gear that actually lasts through a day of the actions we promote, or built purposefully for specific actions/tasks.

Clear Six believes that one of the primary purposes of man is to constantly put in the energy and effort to be better than the man one was yesterday.  This means constant effort into the development of all realms: physical, mental, and spiritual.  

Our unofficial purpose is to reveal a number of ways the powers that be are manipulating you, while displaying that survival/training goes well beyond dropping brass, circling back to all three areas that must be trained.

Everything from Clear Six is designed with intention.  Most times, even the smallest details have been accounted for, in an attempt to bring focus & survive the primary purpose.  Beyond the physical construction, even the goods themselves have intention and purpose.  Task Masks & Bish Blockers help maintain physical/digital identities, for example.  Certain graphics or logos are off center or distorted, as a reminder that striving for balance can be non stop work.

Everything is tested through action, from our goods to our souls.  Our actions have been tested and proven throughout this community.  Our faction does good for others daily while telling no one (especially the internet)

Like countless words in the english language, the word community has lost its power & definition.  It has become an overused buzz word at this point.  One of the best ways to help your community, beyond sharing/spreading knowledge, is to spend your money (power) within your community. It has been proven time and time again that more money stays in the community when spent locally. Community goes beyond physical territory, such as the 2A or dirt bike or hip hop communities. 

Purpose - have multiple reasons and never stop maintaining them

Intention - The start to action.  Start positive

Action - A vision without action is just a dream (some philosopher) The better something is for you, the more work its going to take.  Put in the work.



Your Six is Clear cause we've got your back